Wednesday, December 12, 2012

jail time?

Could be good news for Lindsay:

Now the good news for Lindsay.  One source very familiar with the Commish tells TMZ ... "Godfrey is not a big jail person."  

Get this.  Commissioner Godfrey presides over Drug Court, in which she hears case after case involving people with serious drug cases.  Godfrey strongly favors counseling over jail, to the point she has a graduation ceremony for people who complete the program and digs into her own pocket to buy little gifts for the graduates ... like Starbucks cards.

Friday, November 30, 2012

2 liters of vodka?

over on tmz, so has to be true right?

Lindsay Lohan's drinking problem has returned with a vengeance -- sources close to the actress tell TMZ, she's been boozing heavily for months now ... as much as TWO LITERS of vodka a day. 

Read more:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lindsay & Al

Sounds like Lindsay's "come back" film is going to be star studded:
Scarface is about to join the mob ... TMZ has learned Al Pacino has agreed to join the cast of the upcoming "Gotti" flick alongside Lindsay Lohan and John Travolta.

Friday, April 22, 2011

120 Days

Judge Stephanie Sautner just threw the book at Lindsay Lohan for her probation violation, sentencing her to 120 days in county jail!!!